Front Matter Config


  • Type: string

The title of the page. By default, the page's h1 heading will be used as the title of the HTML document. But if you want to use a different title, you can use Front Matter to specify the title of the page. For example:

title: My Home Page


  • Type: string

A custom description for the page. For example:

description: This is my custom description for this page.


  • Type: 'home' | 'doc' | 'custom' | 'blank' | '404'
  • Default: 'doc'

The type of the page. By default, the page type is doc. But if you want to use a different page type, you can use the Front Matter field pageType to specify the page type. E.g:

pageType: home

The meaning of each pageType config is as follows:

  • home: Home page, including the layout content of the top navigation bar and home page.
  • doc: Doc page, including top navigation bar, left sidebar, body content, and outline bar on the right.
  • custom: Custom page, including top navigation bar and custom content.
  • blank: Also belongs to custom page, but does not include Top Navigation Bar.
  • 404: Not found page.


  • Type: Object

The hero config for the home page. It has the following types:

export interface Hero {
  name: string;
  text: string;
  tagline: string;
  image?: {
    src: string;
    alt: string;
  actions: {
    text: string;
    link: string;
    theme: 'brand' | 'alt';

For example, you can use the following Front Matter to specify a page's hero config:

pageType: home

  name: Rspress
  text: A documentation solution
  tagline: A modern documentation development technology stack
    - theme: brand
      text: Introduction
      link: /en/guide/introduction
    - theme: alt
      text: Quick Start
      link: /en/guide/getting-started


  • Type: Array
  • Default: []

features config of the home page. It has the following types:

export interface Feature {
  title: string;
  details: string;
  icon: string;
  // The link of the feature, not required.
  link?: string;

export type Features = Feature[];

For example, you could use the following to specify the features configuration for the home page:

pageType: home

  - title: 'MDX Support'
    details: MDX is a powerful way to write content. You can use React components in Markdown.
    icon: 📦
  - title: 'Feature Rich'
    details: Out of box support for i18n, full-text search etc.
    icon: 🎨
  - title: 'Customizable'
    details: You can customize the theme ui and the build process.
    icon: 🚀

Whether to show the sidebar on the left. By default, the doc page will display the sidebar on the left. If you want to hide the sidebar on the left, you can use the following Front Matter config:

sidebar: false


Whether to display the outline column on the right. By default, the doc page displays the outline column on the right. You can hide the outline column with the following config:

outline: false

Whether to display the components at the bottom of the document (such as previous/next page). By default, the doc page will display the footer at the bottom. You can hide the footer with the following config:

footer: false

Whether to hide the top navigation bar. You can hide the top nav bar with the following config:

navbar: true